Thursday, July 28, 2005

Mural Painting..

Something interesting happened last week. UNIKL IIM was invited to do some murals at St. John’s Primary School located near Bukit Nenas. There were nearly 40 students altogether who were involved, most of them from Animation. We were to produce four murals, all coloured and completed in two days, which personally I think is too short.

However, two days passed by and alhamdulillah everything was done. Looking at what they produced, I am very proud and impressed with the end results of hard work and exhaustion.
I’ll fill in some pictures when I get the chance. It was a wonderful experience coz everyone worked as a team, a solitary body. We were able to feel each others presence and become closer as we completed the job at hand.
Oh yeah, I nearly forgot.. We were to do this mural bcoz Hishamuddin was coming to the school for a community gotong-royong last Saturday. It was going to be published in the paper and all. I’ll look for the news about it later.

Till next time, over and out =)

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