Hey ho everyone. Day three in Melbourne. Still cold and freezing. Frankly, I think its getting colder by the day. Sorry I havent been online or on YM lately. Rasa mcm malas pun ade. Maybe as time passes, Ill get the hang of the fact that even though its dark outside, its only 6 pm. Hehhe.. Anyhow, the days are shorter too. Kejap je dah petang. Btul la Aliya ckp, its easier to puasa in winter.
With all the Stephano's drama, being the villian and being able to 'control' people. Then with Melaina who's the obsession of Stephano, and John who Melaina really loves yada yada yada.
Pelik btul la cerita ni. This person falls in love with this person, with all the revenge and dengki sini sana. Pening btul.
I wonder where in the 'series' Australia is airing on TV. I certainly have no idea. Hahhahha..
I just hope I dont get hooked like I used to time cuti SPM dulu. Hehhe
wah besnye awak pose kat sane ek nanti? bes bes!!!
ReplyDeletehahahaha...cite itu!!! dulu pun kite asek tengok! dahle panjaaaaang sangat.. drama sungguh!
cite tu!!!!!!!!!!!dulu salu tgk ngn ksyadah!!!!!!! waaaaaa. hahaha. pjg beno2! xabes2 rase! eeeeii.