Well, practically I was away from home studying for the last 6 years, and I rarely came back during Ramadhan anyway, but it will be the 1st Eid ever without my parents. I wonder how that's gonna turn out. Good thing Im with Aliya. Ade la jugak family around.
Anyway, anyway.. I wanted to update a bit about how we celebrated the coming of Ramadhan. Of all the things to do on the first day of fasting.. we went to Cape Schanck and had to climb more than 100 steps of stairs!! Crazy or whaat? Hahhahha..
Actually, Aliya brought me to this place called Cape Schanck about an hours drive from Coburg to look at this (pic below). *This post is gonna have lots of pictures in it tau. So bare with me.
Tadaaaa... Magnificant isnt it? MashaAllah..
These are the steps I was talking about. We didnt feel how many there were on the way down. Nak baik balik tu yang sakit. Hahha.
* Look at Layth's hands. He had them in his pockets while going down the stairs! It was so cute!
So here I was at this.. what do you call it.. teluk eh? Anyways, it was beautiful. I wanted to test the coldness of the water, so pegi la dekat sikit. After a few attempts from different angles, tibe2 the waves came crashing to the shore and sikiiiiiiit lagi nak kene me. YaAllahhhhhh.. menjerit aku. After that, I terus gave up. It was too scary!
And yeah, we had to climb back up. YaAllahhhhh.. mengah tau tak. I dont know how many steps there were, but boy it was so high! Layth didnt want to walk, so Aliya had to carry him. Hahahha.. Kesian giler. But once we got to the steps, he walked by himself coz he has this fasination with going up and down stairs. Good thing too.
When we finally reached the top, we were panting like dogs -- with our toungues out. Hahahaha.. Dah la puasa!! Hahaha.. That made up my exercise for the week :P Hehhe..
Anyway, here's my "overseas" shot. Hehhehehe..
Ok, next stop.. The actual plan was to pray at this picnic area, then go home. But somehow or rather, we missed the junction (it was closed anyway) and Aliya decided to go stop at this Maze place along the way back. So we stopped there, prayed on the stoned-covered parking lot, then Aliya said "kite masuklah maze ni". Wah.. An unplanned treat! Haha..
Being in THIS maze reminded me of the scene from HP the Goblet of Fire, where the hedges ate ppl up and closed around you. Hahhaha.. me and my imagination!
Other than mazes, this 'park' also had wetlands, giant games and bird watching. I also think the ppl who made this park are a little sarcastic in their funny department. Just read below to understand what I mean. Hehehe..
Below is Aliya & Layth beside the wetlands.. actually I dont know what it is. Lalang kot. Lalang pun boleh nampak cantikkan. Hehhe..
Ok, last picture.. my other overseas picture :D
I hoped you enjoyed the pictures. I actually wanted to do a post about something else I did yesterday, but since I havent written about this one, I tot maybe I should do it first. Hehhehe.. Ok, wait for my next post ok. :D
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