Heya all. Im officially writing from my sister's house in Melbourne Australia at the moment.
Yeah, Im all the way here. I apologise to those whom I didnt inform. It was actually a spur of the moment decision, and I didnt have enough time to tell everyone. Those whom havent had time to visit my blog for a while might have missed the news in some previous post. And those who havent gained my permission to read obviously la tak tahu la kan.
So here goes. Its very cold over here. Its the middle of winter. I di sambut by an 8C temperature! hahaha. Keluar2 je airport, the wind blew at my face, so I received the cold air straight in the face! haha.. sejuk giler!
Im currently wearing gloves while typing, coz I just washed my hands and they're starting to feel like just being dipped in ice water. hahahha.
My weekend was such a rush. I finished packing only on friday night. Since I had an ABJZ programme that weekend, I was swamped with all sorts of stuff to settle other than packing. I had to pack, to settle items for a slot in the programme, prepare myself since I had to give a slot during the programme myself, and I had to complete a video clip to be used. This lead to me not getting any sleep on friday night. Haha.
I actually finished everything a couple of hours before Subuh, but thinking about it, I thought that it would be better to just stay up rather than sleep the last few hours. Ive never been good at handling lack of sleep, so better not take the few hours and wake up with a headache and a foul mood. The very next day, I drove to Benut with a fellow facilitator.
I specifically requested to attend this 29 hour abjz programme, coz it was unique in a sense that 50% of the students were anak org asli. The programme was interesting mind you. I might tell you all about it another time.
So the programme finished at around 1.15p.m. And since the programme was in Benut, the journey back home was about an hour. Arrived home at about 2.30p.m. and finished whatever was left of packing. My flight from JB to KLIA was at 6.40, so I had to be at the airport an hour before that. I had some time to spare so Ayah told me to get some shut eye.
After arriving at the airport just on time -- haha -- I went to check-in. Had some drama there. Fiuh. I was also starving, so pegi mkn. There was also some drama with Mak's videocam and my laptop, but I wont go into that. Last2, I went in 10 minutes before take off. Cuak kejap when Ayah said that entah2 gate dah tutup dah. But rupanye mmg they didnt call the passengers in yet coz security at the departure lmbt sgt, so if lambat pun the security will be blamed, not the passengers. So I kissed my parents, my siblings and went in. Flying kissed them at the escalator and set off. THIS flight was awesome coz I sat alone. It was also very smooth.
I arrived at KLIA at about 7.50p.m.. I just sat down and switched on my phone, tibe2 ayah call. Terkejut jap. He told me about the transfer desk and all. But I waited for a while for my friends to call or sms. Coz if they came, I had to go outside. I not, I could just go straight to the international departures. I waited for quite a while, but since they didnt really mention anything about coming, takkan nak call tanye pulak. Nnt diorg takde plan nk dtg, kan malu. Hehe. SoI decided to just go to transfer.
Just when I arrived at the international terminal, tibe2 dpt msg from my friends kata they got my msg late. Laaa.. kawan2 aku dtg rupanye. Laaa.. tu la, lenkali kalau org tu kene transit, bgtau la kalau nk dtg. Takleh surprise2. Hehehhe.. but I love my friends for the thought. Terharu sgt. Thanks guys! Although I dont know who really came, tak sempat nk tanye.
As I waited for the flight, my stomach was growling. Lapar. haha.. So I stopped at The Coffee Bean which was in looking distance from my gate. Duduk la situ mkn scones. I didnt plan to drink any coffee, but dpt free so minum je la. Usually coffee refrains me from sleeping, but it didnt work this time around. Maybe bcoz I was too tired and sleepy.
As I went into the gate, I was preparing to sms Ayah to say that I was going in oredi, when tibe2 Wani call. Wahhhh.. terkejut beruk aku. Haha.. Thanks Wani!! Muahx2. Then they started to call the passengers in, I was one of the last coz my seat was at the front of the aircraft.
Again, the flight was awesome. Ahh, best best. Tenang aku tido. The Select TV (this is the options in our personal tv screen in the plane) didnt have any technical difficulties (like last time) and the food was devine and heavenly. Mewah betul mknan MAS.
And, like I said, I slept like a baby. Harap2 I didnt snore or anything. I usually snore when Im ill or too tired. So hopefully not. My slumber was disturbed once when the chinese lady beside me wanted to go to the toilet -- oh yeah, I got the aisle seat, which I prefer compared to the middle seat. Other than that, the service was very satisfactory Alhamdulillah.
Since I didnt bring any food with me, the customs was also very smooth sailing. Kalau tak, mesti mcm2 hal. So I went out of the arrival hall and tried to call Aliya like she told me to. Rupanye tak cukup 10cents. Hahha.. so dpt sms je. I thought of so many ways how to contact Aliya, tp tak berjaya. Last2 tu terduduk la kat situ, tak tahu nak buat ape.
Tibe2, ade org pegang dari tepi. Aliya!! Hahhahaha.. terkejut jap. Wah, lega pun ade coz I didnt know what else to do. So we went home, Aliya cooked breakfast and she went off to the hospital.
Ill tell you what happened on the first day at home with Layth in another post. Hahha.
Thats all for now. Ill write later! Over and out.
finally..u dh kat aussie:)...enjoy kat sane k.>:)..take a good care of urself
ReplyDeletewah wah!! sudah sampai disana! have fun dear!!!
ReplyDeletehehehehe... gudluck, jgn lupa org kat sini..
(pinjam zakri punya)
Su: Thanks su. Hari tu you all dtg airport ke?
ReplyDeleteUswah: Aah dah sampai. But I needed time to get used to the temperature. Tu yang senyap je tu. Hehe
Wani: Eh, InsyaAllah tak lupa punye. Hehe.