Assalamualaikum WRT WBT
Feedback! Wohoo! I thrive for feedback. It’s sort of like
proof that what you write matters and was important enough for others to start
a conversation over, or ask questions. Thank you for the questions, I’ll answer
them as best I can.
I should state that I am writing from UTM’s perspective, and
these posts about further studies are not aimed as a way to promote my
university. Hehe. It’s solely for the purpose of spreading out the information
to those interested. I’m stressing out the fact that there might be other universities
(local or overseas) that will be able to better equip you in our studies or are
better suited with your lifestyle, etc2. However, I am writing about the
opportunities available in my university. The choice is totally up to you.
One thing people tend to worry about when further studies
become an option is funding. Yes, everyone needs money. And with a spouse and a
couple of kids, we cannot just simply decide to quit our job and do fulltime
study. It will affect the income of your family drastically, thus affect you
personally. If you have a desire to further your studies for whatever reason
(maybe to put you on a higher salary scale, or to change to a better job that
needs higher qualifications, or just for the sake of wanting more knowledge),
think it thru before doing any extreme decisions. Do you have funding, if not,
where should I get it from?
If you have money of your own, go ahead and use it for
studying. With your own money, there won’t be any hassle of debt and paying it
back. And every cent of money spent for a good cause, every cent for the sake
of Allah and ibadah, Allah will reward handsomely on the Day of Judgment. So what
do you have to lose? Invest your money for benefit in the Hereafter.
If you don’t have money, there are a few options you can go
for. First is MyBrain15, an initiative by the Ministry of Higher Education
Malaysia. As a huge push and encouragement towards higher education, this is
one initiative by the government that you should take advantage of. And the
best part is, they will support you till the end of your studies. But I should
warn you that you will need to fill in the application and submit the required
documents very carefully. A simple mistake will result in rejected application.
And with the reputations of a high success rate for approval, the only reason
one might be rejected is a few mistakes during the application and the
documents. So be careful there ok. Just a tip *wink*
For more information of MyBrain15, click here.
Second is MARA. I am unclear of the terms and conditions for
applying, so I suggest you go and browse the MARA website for more information.
But they do give scholarships and loans for further studies.
Third is Research Grant. This one is only relevant for
research-based masters. Most researchers (i.e. Professors, Doctors, Lecturers)
that are active in research or are doing on-going research have their own grant
money to spend for research. And they will have a certain amount of funding for
appointing Research Officers or Research Assistants that will help in their
research. These researchers are usually looking for masters students to fund.
So look for lecturers that are in your area of study, look into what research
they are doing and see if it relates to your interest. If it does, then contact
them and ask personally about the opportunities for further studies. Researches
nowadays are very friendly and they encourage those that have enthusiasm. In
fact, they invite them. So there is nothing to lose. However, the grant is
usually based on availability. So you have to ask carefully.
But just a reminder, research is a tough journey and you
need to love what you are doing. Do not compromise on what you want to research
on. It has to be your choice. If not, you will feel so stressed out that it is
not even worth the trouble.
Ok what else.. let’s see..
UTM offers a few funding schemes that you can also go for,
most of them for research-based masters. One of them is Zamalah. Zamalah is
sort of like MyBrain15, but it is a University initiative for those who are not
able to get other fundings. Application for Zamalah can be done, but the
funding will only be per year basis. And the catch is, you will need to produce
high impact journal papers in order to extend the funding. Which means that, by
the end of the year, you will need to reapply with a backup of papers so that
they will renew the funding for another year. But I must say, the monthly
allowance is awesome. Oh yes, I forgot to mention, you will have to teach
undergrad students for about 3 hours per week.
Others means you can target in terms of funding is applying for
an external research grant yourself (or with the help of your supervisor). Again,
this is for research-based masters. If
your research is of a new area, or the outcome will be beneficial to a certain
industry or company, you can always apply for research grants. Identify your
research and look for available grants in the industry. Big companies like
Shell, Intel, Motorola, etc. And organisations (either government or private or
NGOs) have their own allocation for research. But the catch is, you will need
to share the findings with them and whatever you come up with will have to
benefit them.
Apart from that, if you have wealthy parents, you can always
‘apply’ for Pa&Ma Scholarship. Hehhe.
So there is no excuse of not having the resources. All you
were lacking before this is knowledge. The opportunities out there are endless.
All you have to do is ask yourself if you really want it or not.
Ok, I hope this post will give you a broader view of what is actually in store for you out there. looks like I’ll be doing a series of posts like this. If
you have questions, feel free to leave a comment or msg me personally on FB.
InsyaAllah, if I find the time, I will answer them as best I can.
Next post will be about “Selecting Your Supervisors” :D
ha the latest one, UTM is offering fellowship if u want to do PhD at any top 10 universities