After 7 years of loooooong, hard, and tough studying, Aliya finally graduated! Yehaaaaaaaaa...!!
Congratulations dearest sister :D *hugs*
Im so proud of you. Seronok giler tengok ur convo pics. It doesnt matter no mortar board, you guys look super hip. Elegant giler! Hehhehe.
And Aliya, I love the tudung! Hehhe.
Congrats Dr. Aliya Azlan. Perghh.. Dr.
I showed nenek and WanCu these pictures and the one on Ahmad's and Aliya's blog. They were so excited. Nenek even asked to have a copy of Aliya's convo pic.
The only heart wrenching moment for me was when nenek said..
"The 2nd Dr. Azlan in the family. Patutnye awk (while poking me in the arm) Dr. Azlan the 3rd!"
Ouch that hurt.
hehe..tu doa tu dari nenek tu.. nenek-nenek ni punye doa sangat mujarab (from my experience la) heheheheh
ReplyDeletebtw, it took me frikking ages to wear that tudung! masa tu aliya ckp ngan mak..ish kan best kalau amirah ada..tlg pakaikan tudung aliya hahahaha
ReplyDeletexpe... kalau ada rezeki dpt lah jugak nanti :D
ReplyDeletemuda lagi..baru 25.. some people 40++ baru nak buat have heaps of time yet InshaAllah
kenapa 7 tahun?
ReplyDeleteeh, curi gambar kita! :p
gambar saya yang mulut muncung tu juga awak letak. hehe!
insya Allah ada rezeki awak jadi Dr Azlan juga. tak kisah la nombor berapa. this is not a competition, anyway.
haah la..apsal 7 years. either 6 or 8 (campur banting) hehehehe!