I know Im supposed to be doing something else right now, but I've been wanting to blog for quite some time. Since blogging requires actually having an idea what to write about, it's better to write before all the ideas seem insignificant and dated. So here goes.
He first opened his speech with this ayat:
“And Allah invites to dar al-salaam [the Home of Peace] and guides whom He wills to a straight path.” (Surah Yunus: 25)
Being someone who believes in the day of judgement, of Heaven and Hell, there will come a time in life where these things pop up in our head. We try to imagine how the atmosphere would be, we close our eyes and dream of being in Jannah with everyone we know. We pray to dream of Paradise in our sleep, pray that we'll be able to smell the scent of Jannah when we wake up.
Assuming (and praying) that we have been Muslims all along until the day of Judgement, being dutiful to Allah SWT, following His commands and leaving everything else especially what He forbade us to do, Sheikh Said Rageah asked the audience to imagine how it would be like, lining up to enter Jannah.
So what will these people be asking for? They will have the simple request of asking Allah for Mercy, stating that the reason they have not been practicing Islam, the reason why they have not embraced Islam is because of YOU.
Nauzubillahi Minzalik
Today we don't need more Qurans to be printed, we dont need more interpretations of Hadith. We have enough materials and resources about Islam. And yet the people are not accepting Islam the way they should. Why?
Sheikh Said said that, the main reason this happens is, not because they do not see the beauty of Islam, BUT because they don't want to be like US. Because WE aren't living like Muslims.
In fact, a lot of youths are impressed with the western societies. They wan't to be like them, they want to talk like them, they want to move like them, they want to behave like them.
And when they see us as Muslims, they say "I don't wanna be like you".
I heard this Imam from US speak in the radio IKIM once, about how at first he hated Islam. He didnt see why people wanted to convert to Islam. The reason behind this was because his neighbors who were supposedly Muslims, were drug addicts. They were the gangsters in their neighborhood. And yet they declare themselves as Muslims.
One of the things I personally find surprising and sad is the use of the term "non-practicing Muslims". What on earth is that? People should understand that there is NO such thing as a non-practicing Muslim. If you are not "practicing" Islam, you are NOT a Muslim.
Do not be the reason why people hate Islam. Do NOT give Islam a bad name because of ur actions. BUT, just act as Muslims. Act and live how our Prophet lived.
And always pray that the situation with others blaming you at yaumul akhirah will not happen to you.
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