The second one was my first ever laptop. A clean white Ftec laptop. I loved this computer! Ayah bought it for me as my graduation present. It helped me a lot during my degree. Ever so efficient and contributed in so many ways.
Also during my degree, I bought a desktop to help out with the more hard labor subjects like 3D and animation. My laptop wasn't fully equipped with the right specifications to handle such tasks. Even so, my trusty laptop was always there to help out whenever it was needed.
During study weeks, I always open both my computers. One was always to open any movies. I wouldn't really watch them, just open the movies to make sure there are sounds when I was making my notes. When I get bored, I'd just stop and watch for a bit. The other computer will be switched on to look for references or notes. So I'd be going from one computer to the next based on what I needed at that moment.
I dont recommend this method to those who are easily distracted by movies. Haha. Nnt dari nak study, terus tengok movies. But take note, I only do this when Im preparing my notes, not during studying. :P hehehe.
Anyhow, I loved both of my computers. Unfortunately, BOTH computers are somewhat MIA at the moment. I dont think I should mention any names, but after I lent them to someone, ade je rosaknye. Sedih bangaaat.
Right now, I cant even FIND my white laptop. I have so many important documents and files in there. And my desktop is like a white elephant. Its not working properly and I need to go fix it. But there's never time. Argh!
Even so, I need a new laptop. We are requesting some fund from Intel for my research. And if I get it, then the first thing Im going to do, is get myself a hard labor, high quality laptop. Maybe a Vaio or a Toshiba. Preferably a MacBook Pro. Hehe. InsyaAllah.
how much macbook pro kt sana? klu murah lg sini, beli sini
ReplyDeleteYeah, thats the plan. Hehe.
ReplyDeleteBut need to get the money first.