I went with Kak Intan and her Hubby, Ibu (Mak Kak Intan) and Kak Wahyuna. It was superb I tell you! Since I absolutely ADORE real flowers, this was a very big treat for me :D
The weather forecast said rain that day. It also sort of rained the other two days before that. But we were hoping for a miracle and sunlight -- being in Melbourne with its unpredictable weather, it wouldnt be surprising. Sikit pun jadi laa.
It didnt rain the whole journey, until ofkos the last few kilometres before we arrived! Adoiii.. Sbr jela. hahahha. Along the journey, Kak Wahyuna also mentioned that it was going to be extremely COLD there (it was in the outskirts), so they all pakai 3-6 lapis baju. I was like.. "whaaaatt?!".. ape taknye, I only had 2 lapis on. Keluar2 kereta.. yaAllahh.. SEJUK GILER!! Hahhahahahhahha.. AND it didnt help that is was wet and raining. Hahhahahha.
I was wearing my new shoes okey. And the ground was all wet and muddy. Ewww! Abis kasut baru. But it was a good thing I didnt wear my other shoes. They were WHITE, and it would have been disaster I tell you. But sadly, my WHITE pants (waaaaaaaaa.. nyesal pakai seluar putih) mmg teruk la. Horrible. I dont think Im going to be able to get the stains out. Isk isk :(
Anyways, I think Ill just post the beautiful pictures to explain the situation. Oh ye.. Ive been trying to upload the pictures at my usual image uploader, but diorg tgh update the site, so quality yang I upload ni tak brape best. Maybe Ill change them later. Tengok la kalau rajin :P
By this time, our shoes (and I mean EVERYBODY) dah mcm ape je. Last2 tu dah tak larat nak jaga dah. Tak kuasa nak layan jaga seluar. Buat bodoh je. Hahhaha.
Ok, last picture:
Hahahhahha.. lawak kan? I HATE the ear rings. Buruk!
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