Friday, July 01, 2005


Two three days ago, I was called to attend a review for my school’s ALUMNI. At first I was reluctant to go, but fortunately I received a call from a friend of mine. Since I didn’t have anyone to go with, I invited her along.

So we went. The rest isn’t that important. =P So I don’t think I’ll go into detail. Hehe

Anyhow, I met up with a few people. I once told you about me being in the forgiving stage right? Well, I set a few things straight with a few people. Alhamdulillah. What’s the use of keeping things inside when all it does is destroy your life. Anyhow, like Awla once said to me; “Life is too short to keep dwelling on such silly things..”. And I truly agree with her.

Two days after the review (which was yesterday) the AGM of ALUMNI was held. The reelection was held, yada yada yada =P hehe.. and the new elected President and Vice is now Ihsan Norkhari and Wardah. Two individuals with a huge load of potential from my opinion. I pray they complete their tasks with dignity and sincerity insyaAllah.

I was fun meeting back with some friends. And the end of the day, although I was tired from all the listening.. hehe.. I had fun. Munibah was a wonderful Master of Ceremony. She’s just a natural comedian. Hehehe.. Anyhow, congrats to all who had a part in making the AGM a success. God bless you all.

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