I’d just like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to EVERY single individual who had a role (either small or big) in getting me where I am today.
1) Mak and Ayah whom have supported me right from the beginning, always believing in me and encouraging me. Thank you. I did this all for both of you.
2) To Aliya, a loving sister and best-est friend I ever had. Thank you for being there thru the rough patches and tribulations, the best and most effective advice-giver.
3) To my siblings Ahmad, Aimi & Aida whom have been the sunshine during my gloomy days. The laughter and joy in our household.
4) To my grandparents, nenek and datuk. Thank you for taking care of me, worrying about my welfare and comfort. Thank you for receiving me under your roof with open arms, and thank you for having the time to listen to my silly ramblings at the dinner table
5) To my aunties and uncles; Paklong, Maklong, Ayahcik, Makcik Izan, Busu and Uncle Sham. Thank you for making me feel at home, making me forget to be homesick with your presence and visits.
6) To my cousins (wow.. let me list our their names.. Anuar, Arifah, Akmal, Adilah, Adlina, Azalea, Arina, Amelia, Amir, Alisya & Aishah). I’ll never forget the laughter you all bring to datuk’s house, and the laughter to my own lonely heart.
7) To my dearest friends; Ju, Ocha and Fad. Three years of friendship has been a wonderful journey. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for accepting me as your friend. I’ll always remember the days we cried and laughed together.
8) To my second family; Ms Put, Ms Adott, Pn Lily, Kakyong, Ms Sam, Mama, Ms Gibb, Kak Put, Kak Diela, Kak Has. Thank you for always being my back bone, always giving me encouragements and believing in me. Thank you for the laughter and the cheerfulness. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Most of all, thank you for loving me as I am.
9) To my beloved Lecturers, thank you for having the sincerity to share your knowledge with me. Thank you for entertaining my silly questions and helping me every step of the way. Thank you for your support and fun-filled education. Although kadang2 tu tak fun. =P Heheh..
10) To the admin staff of UNIKL IIM, Kak Ton, Kak Zan, Kak Yati, En Kasman, Abg Zul, Abg Nassir, Abg Fauzi, Kak Aida, Kak Ijan, Kak Ila, Kak Noni. Thank you for always trying to make my work a smooth experience. You guys have helped me a lot with my Student Council work. Thank you for your smiles and your kindness.
11) To my juniors, adik2 tersayang.. Thank you for looking up to me as a role model. You guys are the people who made me gain my self-confidence and self-respect. You all bring a huge role in making me who I am today. Thank you.
12) To the rest whom I didn’t mention their names, thank you. However big or small your role, you still influenced my success. Thank you.
This awards I received is dedicated to all of you =)
The night of my graduation day, Busu held a small party for Alisya and Aishah’s Birthday. So we all gathered at Datuk’s house, Paklong, AyahCik, Busu, and my Family. So riuh btul la. A gathering of siblings. Nasib baik 4 org je siblings mak, kalau tak.. YaAllah.. takleh bayang.
The night was filled with laughter and cheering. We took pictures and ate all that we could eat. Hehehehe.. Best giler.
Here are a few pictures. My friends tengok this pic and asked “Eh, kenape semua orang nampak mcm org Arab ni?” Hheheheheh.. kelakar kelakar.
It was a fun filled night. Around 11 something we all balik hotel (me included =P) exhausted. Tengah2 malam tu, Ahmad (who was in JB at that time) hantar sms to mak writing “Hahahahahahahahhahahaahaha..”. Ingatkan ape, rupanye he watched the news and the interview that they took earlier was aired. YaAllah! Biar btul! Heheheheh.. Sbr je la
Ahmad’s first reaction was “Kakngah kelakar sgt!” Ceh, hampeh Ahmad nih. Malunye yaAllah..
And the next day, my picture was in the paper. Metro muka 11. Not many people know coz I don’t wanna be riak and go off telling everyone. Lagipun bukannye ramai org baca Metro. Still, I bought 2 copies just for me. =) It’s not everyday your face is in the paper.
For those people who always put me down and criticize my choice of studying place, who doubted my abilities, it serves you right. Eat back your own words ok.
Wau.. its been a while hasn’t it? I haven’t been able to write in my blog for nearly two weeks. So sorry for leaving my blog unattended. Its just that I have difficulty in having the time to blog, and open the internet for that matter.
So, since my graduation, what has been happening? Lots of things I think. I don’t think I’ve even finished writing about the graduation itself. Hehe.. Oklah, where did I stop?
Ooh okey, I stopped at the time I was to receive my second award. After all was settled, after the ceremony ended, all the three award recipients were whisked away from all the others and were brought into the VVIP Room to join the VVIP’s having lunch. Each recipient was allowed to bring their family members. So Mak, Ayah, Aimi and Aida joined me as well. Masuk je bilik VVIP tu… Orang keliling tepuk tangan. Terkejut kejap.. Sbr je la. All I was able to do was smile. Oh yeah, along the way to the VVIP room, people kept stopping me and the rest to salam and say Congrats. Ntah sape2, tak kenal pun. But it was such an honor I tell you. I’ve never been treated that way. It felt so wonderful. I have no idea how to describe it.
So we sat down facing the Tengku Mahkota and ate lunch with the rest of the Dif-dif Kehormat, Menteri, Dato’, Datin, University Council members, and the Provost and Deans of the University. My God, what an experience. And rupa2 nye, ade dua org kawan ayah in the University Council. Ayah pun terkejut. Hehehe.. Famous jugak Ayah ni =). Bangga kejap. Uncle Megat was there also. Uncle Megat is Uncle Sham’s (Busu’s husband) father who is the Provost of UNIKL MIMET. It’s a small world after all..
The disadvantage of being someone receiving an award is that you’d have so little time to spend with your friends. Duduk dgn Tengku Mahkota, the protocol was that we aren’t allowed to stand up to leave until he decides to balik himself. Selagi die tak bangun, kite pun takleh bangun. Jadinye kene la tunggu nearly an hour inside the room. During that time, my friends kept calling me asking where I was. Even my lecturers called sbb nak jumpa. But to no avail. I couldn’t. Ramai sangat org call sampai Mak tegur telling me to stop answering the calls. Tu je la yang ruginye. Sedih pun ade jugak.
The food was okey, moderate. The cruel words to say would be “I’ve tasted better hotel food”. Hehehe.. Teruk nye. Tengah2 makan tu, dalam hati asyik tanye je, bile lah Tuanku ni nak balik, cepat la cepat la. Then finally he stood up and wanted to leave. Kitorg pun semua bangun. He shook the hands of the Council members, the Dato’2 and Datin2. Then just as I thought he wanted to leave, he announced that he wanted to meet the parents of the award winners. Fuhh.. YaAllah, bestnye Chancellor kite ni. Sporting and so great.
So he came to the back to say Congrats to us personally. How great is that? Die pun datang, salam Ayah, salam Mak (terpaksa tu.. hehe) and the rest of three recipients punye parents and family. Dengan ayah, he stopped and berbual kejap. Walaupun tak sampai seminit pun, still. Bukan selalu. Hehehe..
Keluar je Tengku Mahkota, I was restless nak keluar jumpa my friends. Takut diorg dah balik and tak sempat ambik gambar. But tiba2 me, Mohd Nafis and Mazlan kene panggil sbb press nak jumpa and ambik gambar. Laaa.. ade lagi ke. Kitorg pun pegi la. Sesi ambik gambar with Dato’ Seri Dr. Ibrahim Saad. Penat senyum. Siap kene berlakon lagi. Hehe.. The picture in the paper tu waktu ni la. Berlakon semata-mata. Hehehe..
So finally, dah habis everything, I went out to seek my friends. Ambik la gambar, settle kan the official picture taking, etc, etc. and had a few laughs with my dear friends. Tercari-cari jugak Ju, rupanye die dah balik.. Lahai, hampa nye. Another thing that was so disappointing was I wasn’t able to take any pictures with my lecturers. Keluar2 je VVIP room, majority dah balik. Sedih nye. My sincere apologies, please forgive me =(
But this day would always be the day I shall remember for the rest of my life. It is considered one of the happiest (even though ade benda yang menyakitkan mata) days of my life. I will forever cherish it. =)
Even now I can still visualize it in my head. Thank you Allah for this Nikmah. Without You’re permission, I would never be able to experience it. Thank you.